

particularly in China and other parts of Asia. As we approach 2022.


 particularly in China and other parts o

      1. CNY, which stands for Chinese New Year.

      2, or Lunar New Year, this term is more inclusive.

      3. Its often used in greeting cards and messages.


      5, representing good fortune and happiness, decorating homes and streets with red lanterns.

      6, people exchange greetings and well wishes with each other.

      7. YCC - Yearly Cleaning Chaos: To prepare for the New Year, many families engage in thorough cleaning and decluttering of their homes.

      8, its easy to experience FOMO.

      9, many people cherish these moments spent with their families.

      10, Success, and Health: Finally, success, and health. Whether were wishing each other GTP or dealing with FOL. Happy New Year!


      Q: What is CNY?

      A: CNY stands for Chinese New Year.

      Q: What is LNY?

      A: LNY stands for Lunar New Year.

      Q: What is RTR?

      A: RTR stands for Red to Rock, decorating with red lanterns. From sending GIMMS to dealing with FOL. Happy New Year!
