

From traditional idioms to modern slang!


 From traditional idioms to modern slang!

      1. 团圆 (tuán yuán) - This is perhaps the most important word associated with the Spring Festival, either in person or in spirit.

      2. 压岁(suì)钱 (yā suì qián) - Also known as red envelopes. Its a way of wishing them good luck and prosperity for the year ahead.


      4, such as dumplings, fish, and noodles.

      5. Its also a way of wishing them good health and prosperity for the year ahead.

      6. 福(fú) (fú) - This character, posters.


      8, especially on New Years Eve.

      9. 大年初一(yī) (dà nián chū yī) - This refers to the first day of the lunar new year, which is considered the most important day of the Spring Festival.

      10, especially in southern China.

      As you can see, these words and traditions remind us of the importance of family, tradition, and the joys of life?

      A: 当然啦(la)、年味、年货(huò)、年(nián)俗等等。

      Q: 福字(zì)为什么被(bèi)视(shì)为重要的装(zhuāng)饰品。它通常被写在红色的背景上。



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