

also known as Spring Festival in China.


 also known as Spring Festival in China.


      2. Gong xi fa cai! (Wishing you prosperity in the new year!)



      5. Sending you good luck and fortune in the new year.





      10. A new year!

      11. 新年(nián)快(kuài)乐! (Happy New Year!)

      12. 新春快乐! (Happy Spring Festival!)

      13. 祝你和你的(de)家(jiā)人新(xīn)年(nián)快乐(lè)!)

      14. 吉星高(gāo)照(zhào). 大吉大利(lì). 心想事成. 一帆风顺,平(píng)安如(rú)意 (Smooth sailing and good health)

      19. 年年有余. 新(xīn)年(nián)新(xīn)气象,新年新起(qǐ)点 (New year.


      23. The Spring Festival is a time for family, friends.


      25. Thinking of you and sending you heartfelt wishes this Spring Festival.





      30. Happy Spring Festival from across the miles!

      31. 春节是(shì)家人(rén)团(tuán)聚的(de)时刻,衷心(xīn)祝福您度过(guò)美好时光(guāng)。(Spring Festival is a time for family reunions, wishing you a wonderful time.)

      32. 愿来年的你(nǐ)迈着坚定的(de)步伐(fá),开启美好未来.)

      33. 万事(shì)如意,平安(ān)健康(kāng).)

      34。(On this special day.)

      35. 恭祝(zhù)福寿无(wú)疆,岁岁年(nián)年财(cái)源广(guǎng).)

      36. 愿您的新年充(chōng)满欢(huān)乐、祥和、美(měi)满和爱, peace, love, and prosperity.)

      37.祝您新春(chūn)快(kuài)乐(lè),鼠年吉祥(xiáng)!(Wishing you a happy Spring Festival and good luck in the Year of the Rat!)

      38. 祝你(nǐ)和你(nǐ)的家人在(zài)新的一年里更加幸福美满.)


      40. 在(zài)新(xīn)的一年里,愿(yuàn)你万(wàn)事(shì)如意(yì),健康平(píng)安(ān)。(In the new year.)







      47. Enjoy all the delicious food and sweet treats of Spring Festival!

      48. 新(xīn)年新(xīn)气(qì)象(xiàng),新年新(xīn)希(xī)望!(New year, new hope!)


      50. Wishing you a year of happiness, love.

      51. 恭喜(xǐ)发财,红包拿来, give me a red envelope!)

      52. 祝你(nǐ)和你的家(jiā)人身体健(jiàn)康、万事如意.)

      53. 在这个春节里,祝(zhù)贺你获得美好的(de)回(huí)报(bào)。(On this Spring Festival.)

      54. 辞旧迎新,万(wàn)象更(gèng)新.)

      55. 一路平(píng)安!)

      56. 谨此,祝您(nín)在翻年(nián)之际(jì),能(néng)感受到身边亲人。(Wishing that on this occasion, colleagues, and friends.)

      57. 愿你和(hé)家(jiā)人团(tuán)聚(jù)在一起,享受春节的快(kuài)乐时光.)

      58. 新(xīn)年(nián)到来,祝福早(zǎo)到(dào)。愿你马到成功,一帆风顺。(Happy New Year, early wishes.)

      59. 让我们一(yī)起祈求,新年一切(qiē)祥(xiáng)瑞都会(huì)降(jiàng)临.)

      60. 在这特别(bié)的时(shí)刻,向您和(hé)您的(de)家(jiā)人(rén)祝贺及祝福!(At this special time!)

      61. 祝愿您在新(xīn)的一年里,那些鲜花(huā)美酒(jiǔ)和好事付(fù)之成实。(Wishing that in the new year, all the flowers, wine.)

      62,阖家安康(kāng)。(Wishing you a happy holiday and a healthy family.)

      63. 恭喜发财,吉(jí)祥如意, good luck always.)

      65. 祝(zhù)你在(zài)新的(de)一年里,获得更多收(shōu)获(huò)和(hé)奖赏!(Wishing you more gains and rewards in the new year!)

      66. 祝(zhù)您猪年(nián)大(dà)吉、心想(xiǎng)事(shì)成!(Wishing you great fortune in the Year of the Pig!)

      67. 感谢(xiè)您对(duì)我们(men)工作的支(zhī)持,祝您(nín)新年快乐、身体健康(kāng)、万事如意, and wishing you a happy new year, good health.)

      68. 新(xīn)年(nián)将(jiāng)至,愿你鸿运当头(tóu).)

      69. 希望您在新的(de)一年里(lǐ),有愉快的压(yā)岁钱!)

      70. 春节钟声悠扬,福运乐降门(mén)。祝(zhù)福(fú)你(nǐ)幸福美满,步步高升(shēng). Wishing you happiness and fulfillment.)


      1. What is Spring Festival?

      Spring Festival, also known as Lunar New Year, feasts, and other festivities.

      2, hard work, and strength, and patient.

      3, setting off firecrackers to scare off evil spirits.


      Spring Festival is a time for joy, happiness, friends, or loved ones, prosperity, and success, let’s usher in the Year of the Ox with open hearts and a positive attitude!
