





      1. Happy New Year! (新年快(kuài)乐!)

      2. (祝您前程似锦。)

      3. (恭喜发财!)

      4. Wish you good health and fortune. (身(shēn)体(tǐ)健康、财源(yuán)广(guǎng)进。)

      5. (心想(xiǎng)事成. Family reunion is the highlight of the Spring Festival。)

      7? (你们家几代人团(tuán)聚(jù)?)


      9. (团年饭(fàn)时厨房最热闹。)

      10. Lets make dumplings together for good luck. (一起(qǐ)包饺子,求个好彩头。)


      11. Red and gold are the auspicious colors for Chinese New Year. (春(chūn)节红色和金色是吉祥(xiáng)的(de)颜色(sè)。)

      12. (春(chūn)联和剪纸为家(jiā)庭增添(tiān)喜气。)

      13. Firecrackers are used to scare off evil spirits。)


      15. (灯(dēng)笼(lóng)象(xiàng)征团结和繁荣。)


      16. Dumplings are a must-eat New Years dish. (饺子是(shì)必吃的(de)春节菜(cài)。)

      17. (鱼代表着丰收(shōu)和繁荣。)

      18. (汤圆象征全家团(tuán)圆(yuán)。)

      19. Nian gao. (年糕(gāo)代表着(zháo)步步高升。)

      20. (春卷(juàn)吃来(lái)迎接春天的到(dào)来。)


      21. (和(hé)家(jiā)人、朋(péng)友(yǒu)一起(qǐ)看(kàn)春晚。)


      23. Play mahjong or cards with relatives。)

      24. (穿(chuān)新衣迎接新年(nián)。)

      25. (到寺庙祈求(qiú)福(fú)运。)


      26. The Chinese zodiac animal of the year is the Ox. (今年是牛年。)


      28. The New Years Eve dinner is the most important meal of the year. (年夜饭是(shì)一(yī)年中(zhōng)最重(zhòng)要的(de)一顿饭。)

      29. The Spring Festival lasts for 15 days. (春(chūn)节持续15天(tiān)。)

      30. The Lantern Festival marks the end of the Spring Festival. (元(yuán)宵节标志着(zháo)春节的(de)结(jié)束(shù). (祝你新年发财(cái)、好运(yùn)连(lián)连(lián)。)

      32. (事(shì)业像火箭般(bān)升腾。)

      33. (爱情像(xiàng)春天里绽放(fàng)的花儿(ér)一样美好。)

      34. (家庭幸福美满。)

      35. (祝你平安(ān)喜(xǐ)乐(lè). (舞狮和舞龙带来好运。)

      37. The red lantern festival creates a romantic atmosphere. (红灯笼节营造出浪漫氛围。)





      41. (新年来临,兴奋气氛弥漫(màn)。)


      43. (团年饭的准备工(gōng)作令人期待。)

      44. (与亲(qīn)人共度(dù)时(shí)光带(dài)来幸福和(hé)温暖。)

      45. (思念远在(zài)他乡(xiāng)的亲人可能带来忧伤情(qíng)感。)


      46. Gong Xi Fa Cai! (恭喜发(fā)财(cái)!)

      47! (红包(bāo)拿(ná)来!)

      48. Xin Nian Kuai Le! (新年快乐!)

      49. Guo Nian Hao! (过年好!)

      50. Wan Shi Ru Yi! (万事(shì)如(rú)意!)


      51. The 12 zodiac animals are rat, ox, tiger, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. (十(shí)二生肖(xiào)是鼠、牛(niú)、虎(hǔ)、兔、龙(lóng)、蛇(shé)、马、羊、猴(hóu)、狗(gǒu)和(hé)猪(zhū)。)

      52. Dumplings usually contain minced pork. (饺(jiǎo)子里通常有猪肉末、包(bāo)菜和其它(tā)蔬(shū)菜。)

      53. The Lantern Festival is also known as the Yuanxiao Festival. (元宵节(jié)又(yòu)称为(wèi)“汤(tāng)圆节”。)


      55. Fireworks were invented in ancient China in the Tang Dynasty。)


      56. What is Chinese New Year? (什么是春节?)

      57. How long does the Spring Festival last? (春节持续多(duō)长时(shí)间?)

      58. Why is red the color of Chinese New Year? (为什么春节的颜色是红色?)

      59. What are some traditional Chinese New Year foods?)

      60. Whether youre enjoying a reunion dinner, watching a dragon dance, or giving and receiving red envelopes, the holiday season is filled with joy, and tradition. With these 100 festive English phrases, wishes, and emotions in a way that adds to the spirit of the season. Happy New Year! (100个春节(jié)英语!)
