

Food, and Festivities


 Food and Festivities

      As the Chinese New Year approaches. The 2022 Spring Festival marks the start of the Year of the Tiger, strength, and resilience.

      For many, the Spring Festival is a time of reunion. From the lighting of firecrackers to the exchanging of red envelopes, representing hopes for prosperity, good fortune, and happiness in the year ahead, reflection, and renewal, we are reminded of the resilience and strength that lies within us, food, and festivity, and to cherish the memories that we create together, let us do so with open hearts and open minds.

      Happy Spring Festival?

      A: The Year of the Tiger represents power, strength, and resilience.

      Q: What are some traditional Spring Festival customs?

      A: Some traditional customs include lighting firecrackers, exchanging red envelopes, and eating special foods, reflection, and renewal. Whether through delicious food, joyful festivities, or meaningful customs, the Spring Festival reminds us of the power and importance of family, friendship, and connection.
