

also known as Chinese New Year, is one of the most important festivals in China. Its a time for families to reunite, translated into English:


 also known as Chinese New Year is one o

      1. 恭喜发财(Gōngxǐ fācái): Wishing you prosperity and wealth!

      2. 过年(nián)好(Guònián hǎo): Happy New Year!


      4. 吉祥如(rú)意(Jíxiáng rúyì): A happy and prosperous year full of good fortune!



      7. 岁岁平(píng)安(Suì suì píngān): Peace and safety year after year!


      9. 合(hé)家幸福(Héjiā xìngfú): Happiness for the whole family!

      10. 团圆美满(Tuányuán měimǎn): Perfect family reunion!


      12. 开(kāi)门大吉(jí)(Kāimén dàjí): Good luck upon opening the door!



      15. 大(dà)吉大利(Dàjí dàlì): Great luck and great profit!


      17. 金玉(yù)满堂(Jīnyù mǎntáng): Gold and jade fill the hall!


      19. 吉星高(gāo)照(Jíxīng gāo zhào): Lucky star shines upon you!

      20. 此时(shí)此刻(Cǐ shí cǐ kè): This moment!



      Yes. They reflect the spirit of joy, hope, luck, and prosperity that people wish for themselves and their loved ones.


      Yes, friendship, and good wishes!
